We are


to the finished works of Christ…

About Us

Who we are

The Vivified Church is family of faith, love and power. The love of God especially as revealed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is at the very core of who we are and everything we do. We are imperfect people experiencing and making known the perfect love of God!  


At TVC, we envision the hearts of all awakened to the finished works of Christ. We strongly believe that every believer should be equipped with knowledge and truth in the Word of God to be, experience and do all that God has called them to!

Our Mission

In obedience to our Lord’s instruction, we’re huge on making disciples. TVC is raising believers who would spread the knowledge of the truth wherever they are found right here from Gbagada, Nigeria to the very ends of the earth. If you’re looking to join us, strap in, you’re in for a ride!



Our Beliefs

The Bible; a compilation of 66 books divinely inspired by God to about 40 selected authors is God’s word to man; to reveal Himself progressively through the Old Testament books and fully in the New Testament. The scriptures – The Law, Prophets, Gospel, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles and Revelation all point to a central figure – Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah who would carry out God’s plan of redemption for mankind. The Bible serves as the authority for correction, doctrine and practical living. It is from the Bible that all doctrinal pillars and convictions are built.

 We believe that the Bible is powerful and inerrant, yet can be abused when used to pass across a different meaning than that which was intended. This is called error. The Bible rightly interpreted serves as the final authority for our beliefs and doctrinal convictions. 

Bible Ref.: 2 Timothy 3:16, Luke 24:27, 2 Timothy 2:15, John 5:39

We are Monotheistic. We serve one God; for He is one, expressed and manifested in three distinct persons namely: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit being co-existent, co-eternal, co-equal (Phil. 2:6)

God, the Father is almighty and greater than all powers and creation, for He is before all; not constrained by time, space and matter, for in Him, these things originate.

God, the Son was the Word (Logos) of God from the beginning who took on flesh in incarnation, born of a virgin Mary to be the perfect sin sacrifice for mankind to reconcile them and give them eternal life. He came to reveal the heart of the Father as He is the express image/representation of the Father in human flesh.

God, the Holy Spirt, third person of the trinity who also was from the beginning, breathing life wherever He moves. Post-ascension of Christ, He baptized those who believe in the Gospel, sealing their salvation, leading them every step of the way and enduing them with God’s unlimited and mighty-working power.

Bible Ref.: Matthew 28:19, John 1:1-3, John 1:14, 1 Timothy 3:16

Though man in the beginning was created in the image of God to live in perfect fellowship with Him, mankind was deceived and disobeyed God’s command. Through Adam, sin entered into the world. From there came all forms of decadence and decay; pain, sorrow, evil, murder, hatred, etc. Regardless of man’s fall, God knowing this would happen, arranged before the foundation of the world that Christ will be manifest in due time to save sinners through faith in His blood. 

This salvation plan is unfolded progressively from the Old Testament to the manifestation of all that the shadows, types and prophecies spoke about; which is seen in the Gospels and New Testament.

Bible Ref.: Genesis 3:6-7, Isaiah 9:6, Romans 3:23, Romans 10:9-10

The Gospel of Christ is a message of GOOD NEWS, that when preached, it wields within it the capacity to save a man from sin. The message is this: that even though mankind fell and were dead in Adam’s transgressions, they can be made alive again when they put faith in the truth that Jesus died on the cross of Calvary to take upon the punishment for the sins of men, and He was risen after three days for their justification.

The only way to have access into this grace and plan of salvation is to put faith in this finished work. It is not by the righteous works (which are like filthy rags) we do, but by Jesus’ righteous work on the cross. We are saved by grace through faith.

Bible Ref.: Romans 1:16, John 3:16, Isaiah 53:4-6, Romans 4:3-5, Ephesians 2:8, Isaiah 64:6, John 6:29

We believe that all that governs God’s words, thoughts and actions is Love. At the very core of His nature, love dwells; for He is love and love is God. It is the Agape love of God. This is the reason behind why God did all He did especially in the salvation of mankind. Consequent to this outpouring of love upon sinners, He expects that we likewise show unconditional and unchanging love to others all around; even our enemies. It is in us that people will experience the love of the Father. Love is the greatest of all. (1 Cor. 13:13).

Bible Ref.: John 3:16, 1 John 3:16, Romans 5:8, 1 John 3:1, 1 John 3:11

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost which was promised to be poured out upon all flesh and indwell the man who believes. The baptism by the Spirit brings us into God’s family – the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:12-13). By reason of the baptism we identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ to a new and eternal life. This is what John the Baptist foretold with the baptisms he performed by immersion in water to serve as a picture of the spiritual reality in Christ. With this baptism comes the manifestation of both fruits of the Spirit and the Gifts as well (especially tongues and prophecy).

Bible Ref.: Romans 8:10, John 1:33, Acts 19:1-6, 1 Peter 3:21,

Consequent to salvation, the believer begins to bear fruits consistent with his new nature in Christ. A believer, truly saved, would not just stand in positional righteousness before God, but will also live according to same. Right-being will lead to right-living. He has been redeemed to walk in the newness of life and walk consistently in the Spirit. This sanctification is a progressive process fuelled by grace and love which begins immediately after salvation and is completed upon Christ returns and salvation is consummated.

Bible Ref.: Romans 6:3-4, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14

With the Holy Spirit’s indwelling in man, comes gifts and power. The believer will work miracles, deliver the oppressed, heal the sick and display the full measure of God’s power on the earth. These signs are a witness of the power of the risen Christ; in the end to draw all men to the same. At Vivify, we believe that the believer being orthodox ought to be charismatic in the gifts of the Spirit. Contrary to other belief, we believe the gifts of the Spirit did not end with the first apostles, but they continue all the more in these last days.

Bible Ref.: Mark 16:17-18, John 14:12, Acts 3:6-7, Acts 19:11-12

The beauty of Christianity is that in the end, the believer has a hope which is eternal life. After a life full of grace, love and the advancement of the Kingdom of God in a fallen and sinful world, the Lord Jesus Christ will return a second time to make all things right, and reconcile all power and authority in Himself as sin and death are conquered completely. On the day when the Lord returns, those who are dead in Christ will rise up first from the grave and the saints who are still alive will follow after to meet the Lord in the sky to reign with Him for all eternity. When this happens, we will be changed, and we will look like Him, possessing glorified bodies never to die again or experience, sorrow pain, hurt, sin’s influence for all eternity.

Bible Ref.: 1 John 2:25, Titus 3:7, 1 Pet. 1:8, John 3:16, Phil 3:20-21, 1 Thess. 4:13, Acts 1:11

We believe in life after death. A man’s soul and spirit continue even after death. But the destiny of a man is hinged on his decision made either to believe in the Gospel or not. Hell is the place reserved for the devil and his demons, as well as those who refuse the Gospel’s message which is the provision for salvation. Hell, and death will eventually be thrown into the Lake of fire which is the second death. On the other hand, Heaven is the destiny of the one who has put faith in Jesus and is blood-washed as a result. Heaven is the very presence of God in the fulness of glory. The believer is not working tirelessly to make it into Heaven, he is a citizen of Heaven (Phil 3:20) as God’s power preserves him on his journey of faith.

Bible Ref.: Hebrews 9:27-28, Revelation 19:40, John 14:2-3, 2 Corinthians 5:8, John 3:18

Arrowheads Of TVC

This is the systematic defence of the Christian faith. We present the Gospel to the unbelievers and sceptics of the Christian faith, giving them evidence and proofs beyond reasonable doubt about the existence of God and the exclusivity of Christianity. We may start from a logical vantage point, but lead every engagement to a scriptural conclusion. We aim to answer the five most consequential questions in life in the simplest ways possible:

  1. Origin – Where did we come from?
  2. Identity – Who are we?
  3. Meaning – Why are we here?
  4. Morality – How should we live?
  5. Destiny – Where are we going?

The answers to these questions are hinged on the whether or not God exists. This is why we endeavour to provide logical and common-sense reasoning to sceptics of the Christian faith; to help them connect the puzzle pieces together and give the full picture of life.

Bible Ref.: 1 Pet. 3:15

This is the practice of interpreting the scriptures systematically and accurately in a bid to curb the prevalent doctrinal errors in the body of Christ. This is done though the use of effective rules and laws when interpreting such as knowing the original language used (with Lexicons), knowing the Author, Audience, Aim and Application of selected verses.

Scriptures when well explained can dissolve criticisms about the Bible’s supposed contradictions and errors. It will also help foster unity in doctrine amongst the church. It is the various misinterpretations of scriptures that have caused division in the church.

Bible Ref.: 2 Tim. 2:15

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